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Monday, February 7, 2011

Sending Adobe forms as “PDF” attachment using Email Submit Button


It is assumed that the reader of this article has basic knowledge in WebDynpro and adobe forms.


The Requirement is to send the adobe forms as a “PDF” attachment using the standard button “Email Submit Button”. The standard property of the button is to send the attachment as “XML“.


We have to alert the xml coding of the ADS to achieve this requirement.

1. Create a WebDynpro Component in SE80

2. Go to the Context Tab of the View V_SENDEMAIL_DEMO

3. Create a NODE with LFA1 as DDIC Reference

4. Select the Attributes for the Node LFA1

5. Create an Attribute as PDFSOURCE

6. The Context of the View would look as below.

  1. Create an Element “Interactive Form” by Drag Drop in the Layout tab

8. The Property of the Interactive FORM would be as shown below.

9. Create a Template source as below

10. Design the Form as required.

11. Drag and Drop the Button “Email Submit Button” from Object Library

12. Give the Email Address & Subject as required

13. Right Click on the Toll bar of the Form Designer as shown below and select XML Source

14. CLT + F on the XML Source Code and search for Format

15. Change XML to PDF in double quotes as shown below.

16. Create a Web Dynpro Application

17. Give a Description for the application

18. Test the Application

19. The Adobe would be as below and click on the Button.

20. A pop up would be generated as below

21. The Mail would be configured and the attachment would be in PDF not XML

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