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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Achieving Page Breaks using ALV Grid

It is assumed that the reader of the article has knowledge in ALV Grid Programming.

In order to achieve the Page Breaks, we need to fill in the sort catalog structure, LVC_S_SORT, as follows:

FS_SORT-SPOS = '1'. “ Sort order position

FS_SORT-FIELDNAME = 'CARRID'. “ Field name on which page break need to be triggered. Whenever this field changes, page break will trigger

FS_SORT-GROUP = '*'. “ This has 2 options. ‘*’ for page breaks and ‘U’ for underlines.

FS_SORT-OBLIGATORY = 'UL'. “ If you need to retail these page breaks through out, we need to set this as obligatory. Otherwise, if the end user selects any other field and presses SORT, then page breaks would disappear.


However, in ALV grid, you will not be able to see the page breaks on the screen. Once you convert the ALV grid to “List Output”, you could see the page breaks or during print from the ALV grid.

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