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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ranked List and Statistics in abap query

Ranked List and Statistics
Same process mentioned above can be used for generating Ranked list and statistics. The only difference is that you should choose Ranked list or statistic instead of Basic List.
Ranked lists are special outputs where numeric values are summed for key terms and displayed in the table, and the sorting is always by a numeric value called Ranked List Criterion. Only a certain number of additional items are displayed on the output.
One query can have many ranked lists – hence every ranked list should be assigned a title. The default entries in the ranked list can be 10 but user can also change the number.
One of the fields should be defined as the ranked list criterion. The default sort sequence for this field is descending but ascending order can also be specified. An output length and a rounding factor can also be defined.
In case of statistics, a reference currency or reference units to convert all the amounts for the currency fields and quantity fields. You can also maintain the header and specify graphic parameters for statistics.
To define another ranked list choose the menu option Next Ranked List.

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