These are the various objects that can be placed on the screen and help in proper functioning of the screen. Following is the list of screen elements
· Text field
A field which is output only, used for displaying hard coded static text on the screen. This cannot be modified during run time. If the text contains several words, they should be separated
· Input/Output field
A field used by the user for data-entry. This is also called a template. Use underscore characters in the text field to define its size. The maximum length can be 255 characters.
· Dropdown list box
It is a special type of input/output field. It contains a list of entries from which the user can choose one. You cannot type an entry into the text field of this box.
· Check Boxes
Field to allow the user to choose multiples from a logical group of values.
· Radio button
Element provided to group logically related values. The user can select only one out of the group; the other elements automatically get disabled.
· Push button
Element used to trigger a particular function. The function code associated is transferred to the flow logic when the push button is pressed.
· Box
Display element that is used to improve the cosmetics of a screen. Related parts of the screen can be grouped by enclosing them in a box
· Subscreen
Rectangular area of a screen used to display other screens at run time. This element cannot include any other elements
· Table controls/Step Loops
Complex graphical elements to allow tabular display of data.
· Tabstrip control
Element that gives a card file like look – every card is a screen that can be used for different purpose
· Status icon
Output element containing an icon. This icon is specified during run time. This can ne used to indicate the status in the transaction.
· OK_CODE field
Important field that is used for transferring the function code from the dynpro to the flow logic
Screen Fields
All the attributes of a screen field are defined using SE51. A screen field can be given any name, but when the name corresponds to an existing dictionary object, all the attributes of the field are derived from the attributes of the dictionary object. These field attributes dictate the automatic checks that are done by SAP in a dynpro dialog (value range check, online help, list of values etc)
Screen Layout
This is the placement of the various graphical and non-graphical elements on the screen. A screen is designed in Screen Painter as per the specifications gathered from the user.
Define the ok code field in the field list for the Screens
Whenever user does any interaction with the screens, a field is required to trap the action that the user is trying to perform. To do this, define 4 character variable by the name v_okcode_screennumber.
Assign function codes to the various buttons on the screen that the user is likely to press.
These function codes are then transferred via the variable to the flow logic of the screen, to decide the path to be taken by the flow of the transaction.
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