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Friday, August 26, 2011

Check duplicate creation of Vendor Master that have the same address data through standard SAP settings


Check duplicate creation of Vendor Master that have the same address data through standard SAP settings.


An information message will be shown to user when he is creating Vendor master data which will inform him that Vendors already exist with the same data in address fields. Then the Vendors with the same address will be displayed to the user. From here if he selects continue button he will be allowed to create the Vendor, if he selects the cancel button he will be given the option of making changes to the address fields.

Configuration Steps:

Goto SPRO: SAP Reference IMG:

1. Financial Accounting(New)->Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable->Vendor Accounts->Master Data->Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data->Change Message Control for Vendor Master Data

2. The following screen will be displayed where you can define your message for Ex:

F2 144 – Vendors found with same address; check

Set the values Online = ‘I’ and BatchI (Batch Input) = ‘I’

If you want to make this check user specific then enter the User Name else leave it blank to make it applicable for all users.

Again go to SPRO:

Financial Accounting (New)->Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable->Vendor Accounts->Master Data->Match Code->Check Search Fields for (Vendor) Matchcodes

The standard fields on which the check is performed are:

  1. NAME1

  2. NAME2

  3. ORT01

So when user creates a Vendor with NAME1, NAME2 & ORT01(City) fields same as an existing Vendor the system will show an Information Message. The value in these fields is automatically converted into Upper case so you do not have to worry about case- sensitivity.

When the user clicks the continue button on the message popup the Vendors having the same address data will be shown to the user & he can navigate to view the details of these vendors.

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