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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Creating Dynamic Patterns

Step1. Create a pattern with only one line that contains *$&$EXIT.

Put this above expression and press save button.

Step2. Now from CMOD create a project and include enhancement SEUED001 in it.

Now select the user exit EXIT_SAPLLOCAL_EDT1_001 and create the include program in it.

Now insert the following code block in the include program and activate it.

*& Include ZXSEUU26 *
DATA: w_buffer TYPE string.
CASE keyword.
    w_buffer =
APPEND w_buffer TO buffer.
w_buffer = '*& Program :'.
APPEND w_buffer TO buffer.
w_buffer = '*& Module :'.
APPEND w_buffer TO buffer.
w_buffer = '*& Sub-Module :'.
APPEND w_buffer TO buffer.
w_buffer = '*& Functional Contact:'.
APPEND w_buffer TO buffer.
w_buffer = '*& Funct. Spec. Ref. :'.
APPEND w_buffer TO buffer.
w_buffer = '*& Developer(Company):'.
APPEND w_buffer TO buffer.
w_buffer = '*& Create Date :'.
APPEND w_buffer TO buffer.
w_buffer = '*& Program Type :'.
APPEND w_buffer TO buffer.
w_buffer = '*& Project Phase :'.
APPEND w_buffer TO buffer.
w_buffer = '*& Description :'.
APPEND w_buffer TO buffer.
w_buffer =
APPEND w_buffer TO buffer.
* Do nothing

Lastly activate the project

Step3. Insert this newly created pattern in a program and test whether it is displaying the dynamic pattern or not.

SAP code to call the user-exit.

User-exit call

Dynamic pattern

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