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Thursday, February 10, 2011

SAP ABAP BDC Programs Questions 3


What are the features of Recording Function ?

  • - recording transaction runs
  • - creating batch input sessions from the recorded transaction runs.
  • - Generating a batch input program from the recorded data.


What is synchrnous database update ?

  • - During the processing, no transaction is stored until the previous transaction has been written to the database. This is called Synchronous database update.


How do you set up batch process?

Data analysis: Analyze the data that is to be transferred to the SAP System.


Generate SAP structures: Generate SAP data structures for incorporation into your data export program.


Develop transfer program: You can write the program in ABAP/4 or as an external program.


Create sequential file: Export the data that is to be transferred, to a sequential file.


Create batch input program: ABAP/4 batch input program that will read the data to be transferred from the sequential file.


Process batch input data: Process the data and add it to the SAP System. You can do this either by:

batch-input session method or Call transaction method.


Analyse results: Check that all data has been successfully processed.


Analyse Error session: Correct and re-process erroneous data.


Where do you use BDC?

  • · transferring data from another system when you install your SAP System
  • · regularly transferring data that is captured by a non-SAP system in your company into the SAP System. Assume, for example, that data collection in some areas of your company is still performed by a non-SAP system. You can still consolidate all of your data in the SAP System by exporting the data from the other system and reading it into the SAP System with batch input.

You can also use batch input to transfer data between two R/3 Systems. However, there are more direct methods for doing this, such as RFC (remote function calls).


What has to be done to the packed fields before submitting to a BDC session?

Declare these fields in the internal table as characters and the length of the field should be same as the field length of the field's data element. This internal table is used to hold the data fetched from the sequential file using WS-upload function module

What is LSMW

The LSMW is a cross-application component (CA) of the SAP R/3 System.

The tool has interfaces with the Data Transfer Center and with batch input and direct input processing as well as standard interfaces BAPI and IDoc in R/3.

The LSMW comprises the following main functions:

  • 1. Read data (legacy data in spreadsheet tables and/or sequential files).
    Function Read data replaces and enhances functions Spreadsheet interface and Host interface of LSMW version 1.0. You can use any combination out of PC and server files now.
  • 2. Convert data (from the source into the target format).
  • 3. Import data (to the database used by the R/3 application).


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