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Tuesday, February 9, 2010



Q1)+ How many types of interfaces?
Ans:- We have 2 types of Interfaces. One is, Outbound Interface
and 2nd type is Inbound interface.
a)Outbound interface: is used to extract the data from SAP.
b)Inbound interface: is used to upload the data into SAP.

Q2)+ How many types of tools we have for uploading data?
Ans:- We have 4 tools for uploading data.
a)Legacy system migration workbench (LSMW):
For uploading mass data from NonSAP-SAP & SAP-SAP.
b)Batch Data Communication (BDC):
For uploading mass data from NonSAP-SAP & SAP-SAP
Through screens.

c)Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI):
For uploading the data & for downloading the data
d)Application Linking & Enabling(ALE/IDocs):
For uploading the data & for downloading the data.

Q3)+ What is the difference between RFC and Function module?
Ans:- Function module RFC
1) In function modules, all types 1) In RFC, all types of parameters
Of parameters are passed by Are passed by value.
2) We can access only from SAP 2) We can access from Non SAP
System. Also.

Q4)+What is the difference between RFC(Remote Function Call) & BAPI?
Ans:- If you include a RFC in business object repository through transaction
Code ‘SWO1’, then that RFC will become a BAPI.

Q5) What are all the BAPIs you have worked/created recently?
Ans:- (depends on resume.)

Q6)+ What is the difference between BDC & BAPI?
1) In BDC, Data will be uploaded 1) In BAPI, Data will be uploaded
through screens. through Function modules.
2) Through BDC,Uploading the 2) Through BAPI, uploading And
data is only possible. Downloading the data both are

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